Get Fit & lose Weight
Where the fat get stored
It is not that hard to lose weight, in my opinion loosing body fat required lifting, it is the best way to lose fat fast and have a lean muscles gains during the process. Let see how the body burn the extra fat to correct some notions, like "if you are sweating a lot = you are burning fat" - WRONG. First of all we have to understand the meaning of the body fat and it is not a bad thing like everybody thinks, actually fat is hanging on our bodies for a good reason.  Fat is our primary energy source.  It's slow burning, so it lasts a long time.  It's easy to store; your body can stick it just about anywhere.  It's easy to make, too; our bodies can take a protein or carbohydrate molecule and turn it into fat, it's like magic. Our bodies need protein to build and repair tissue.  They need carbohydrates to give our cells quick boosts of energy and to act as kindling to burn fat. The problem, when we eat more proteins or carbohydrates that we can use or if you eat fat, our body sticks them in the reserve pile for later use as fat.  This way, we don't waste our precious calories. AND THIS IS THE FIRST STEP YOU HAVE TO DO, THE ENERGY OF FOOD YOU STUFF IN YOUR MOUTH MUST BE LESS THAN THE ENERGY YOUR BODY BURNS.

Another word you will learn today, METABOLISM. The muscle cell create energy by burning fat and sugar together. It's also a conservative process, the cell use as much fat and sugar as it needed, so the great body stored that extra energy as fat.If the human starts to exercise, the muscle cell suddenly needs more energy to keep going.  It screams out to the body, "Hey, I think we need some more fatty acid molecules to burn down here."  Of course, the body, being stingy with its fat reserves, doesn't want to give up its precious fatty acids, so the muscle cell is forced to continue to work without it's primary source of fuel. After all of the muscle cell's fatty acids supply is used up, it needs to find something else to burn, but all it can find is sugar, so it burns that.  Unfortunately, sugar doesn't burn as efficiently as fat.  When sugar burns all by itself, it only burns partially.  What's left over is lactic acid.  (Lactic acid is the stuff that makes your muscles burn when you're lifting weights and leaves you sore the day after a big workout.). Eventually the muscles burn the fat after a lack of sugar.

After hitting the gym and lifting weights, the body learns the process, and get used to that, so the process of burning fat get smoother and faster.

*So what you should do to lose fat ?

1- Cut the sugar from your diet (not totally but just less than you used to).
2- Go to the gym and lift iron and put it again, you can follow the program for beginners  in the blog.
3- Eat lit bit less than you used too.
It sounds too good to be true, but it works, do not try any super dooper diet or any fancy program. Go simple, and do not quit. 

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